Gallery 881 seeks artists and curators to develop programming alongside our Gallerist. This collaboration creates opportunities within the art ecosystem and provides physical and virtual platforms for both emerging and established artists and curators to develop innovative and compelling exhibitions. Exhibition submissions should be made to the gallerist as follows.

Curatorial appointments are also available for one-off solo or group shows as well as semi-permanent terms that occur on a rotating basis. Appointments are financially compensated in accordance to CARFAC rates. Artists accepted for exhibitions agree to a minimum one year representation by Gallery 881.

Artist(s) / Curator proposal should include:

  • Artist(s) and/or Curator CVs

  • Artist(s) and/or Curator bios - not to exceed 300 words

  • Exhibition Statement - not to exceed 300 words

  • Sample images of artwork - not to exceed 2880 pixels wide @72dpi

  • Exhibition mockup (Optional)

The submission package should be sent to info@gallery881.com via Dropbox or Wetransfer with the subject EXHIBITION SUBMISSION.

Please note that the gallery expects artwork that is presented as high quality finished works but is open to creative freedom based on details of the submission. Finishing may include mounting and framing. While there is no rental fee for exhibitions at Gallery 881, we use a curatorial model. Submissions are approved based on certain criteria that meet our mission statement. For artwork needing print and finishing production, supporting our sponsor PrintMaker Studio helps us create a viable and sustainable art ecosystem. Installation fees may apply, though a two-hour installation by Gallery 881 is included.

The exhibition layout should be planned for the Permanent Exhibition space as noted on the attached floorplan. If the Extended floorplan is desired, which includes the Centre Room, special considerations are required.

If you have questions, please contact the gallery. 



Gallery 881 respects copyright ownership of artists. Exhibited artwork remains the sole property of the artist. As a commercial gallery and by agreement with the artist, artwork is sold with 50-50 commissioned sales with the artist. Artists exhibiting at Gallery 881 are represented with a one year period that begins at the start of the exhibition. During representation, artwork may be stored onsite and marketed to collectors, gallery visitors, and via online art sales. At the end of representation, and possibly before, unsold artwork is returned to the artist. While artwork may no longer be sold via our portals, except by written agreement, the artwork may still appear on the Gallery 881 website and used for promotion.


Gallery 881 is a partner with PrintMaker Studio, a full service fine art printer and custom picture framer and finisher. PrintMaker Studio works with many notable artists and is the official 2023 Capture Photography Festival print sponsor.


If you have additional questions, please contact the gallery. Please note that due to the volume of submissions, we are not able to respond directly to inquiries or offer a critique. If your proposal is accepted, Gallery 881 will contact you.

Thank you in advance for your submission!

John Goldsmith